With Fryeburg Academy…

Fryeburg Academy students from Maine, are here helping us for the next several days. Led by Chris and Emily Strahler, they are working on composts, trails, but mainly on the new tree nursery for our endangered endemic tree planting program.

This program has been formulated to protect endangered flora and fauna by planting endangered endemic tree species, and working on habitat enhancement in subtropical wet forest. The location and the quality of the habitat of the 930-acre forest property of Las Casas de la Selva is ideal for the establishment of projects toward the recovery of various endangered endemic tree species. The property’s north-eastern border adjoins the Carite State Forest which contains another 6,660 acres of subtropical wet mountain forest land.

Tropic Ventures Research & Education Foundation are collaborating with US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to develop habitat enhancement and restoration projects that benefit endangered endemic species of Puerto Rico.

And two year old Daniel going with the flow….

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