Democracy Prep at the Agassi Campus (DPAC) students joined us for one day and night and helped with the movement of 300 concrete blocks, an activity that required not only physical strength but also teamwork and coordination. It was a sight to behold as students, teachers, and community volunteers worked side by side, their efforts synchronized in a dance of collaboration. The blocks they moved were heavy and the sun unforgiving, but the spirit of determination and camaraderie among the students made the challenge surmountable.

The other task was to clear up one of the garden areas that received all the clay and broken rubble from a path building earlier this year! This group went at it and transformed the place! Thank you all for your hard work. This garden is being prepared for the planting of some rare endemic species.

Our students ate very well, thanks to Monique Nieves, who delighted us with fine cuisine! Thank you to Mercury, who took the students to the river and made a fire for them to enjoy at night. Thanks to school staff Lesley (who came last year!), Toy, and Armando.
Appreciations to Vamonos staff for getting the group here safely: Mayra, Cruz, and Roberto.