Magha Garcia Medina is an eco-farmer and environmental activist in Puerto Rico. She is a member of the National Coordination Team of Organización Boricuá de Agricultura Ecológica de Puerto Rico, a grassroots group of farmers and allies who advocate for agroecology and are members of the Latin American/Caribbean Chapter (CLOC) of La Via Campesina. Magha also challenges agribusiness with the group Nada Santo Sobre Monsanto, a collective of multiple organizations, representatives of civil society that have come together to defend the right to healthy food, free of transgenics and protect the environment.
“Without any government oversight or regulation, it is easy for ecologically criminal corporations to thrive here.”
Areas of expertise:
Food Sovereignty/ Agroecology/Human Rights
Phone: +1 787-387-3445
Proyect: Bosque Jardín Pachamama