Thanks to John Allen, Marie Harding, Freddy Dempster, Deborah Snyder, Chili Hawes, Mark Nelson, Margaret Augustine, Kathelin Gray, Rio Hahn, Sally Silverstone, Richard Druitt, Warren LaForme, Greg Dugan, Reka Komaromi, Cyclone and Cesco Rimondi, Christine Handte, Claus Tober, Don Andrés y Doña Juanita, Carmen Iris Ruiz, Alberto Rodriguez, Frank H. Wadworth and Isabelita, Tom Marvel, Lucilla Fuller, David Bowie, David Rodriguez, Santtos Pica Piedra y Chila, Mick Jagger, Piroja Vakil, Gotye, Peter Weaver, Connie Carpenter, Magaly Figueroa, Christian Torres, Bjork, Jimena Forero, and Alyssa Solis.
Photo Credits:
Special thanks to these special people for the wonderful images that populate this website: David Croad, Jean Qingwen Loo, 3t Vakil, Alyssa Solis, Kevin McAndrew, Molly Robertson, Patricia Boyko, Karina Almeida, Bob Wotring, Andrés Rua, Kathy Santos, Diane Tropoli, Rene Gemme, Reka Komaromi, Robert Townsend, Bartek Cyganek, & Michael Caslin.
For historical images from 1983 -1999 gracious thanks to Sally Silverstone, Richard Druitt, Harry Scott, & Maridowa Williams.
Website Design:
Andrés Rua and 3t Vakil


Govardhan Gardens, located close by Mayaguez (Puerto Rico) is an eco farm and high quality tropical rare fruit tree & bamboo nursery. Its goal is to inspire a natural life style, care for the earth and environment, as well as to encourage independent living and thought, grassroots social cooperation, and meaningful, self-sufficiency oriented lifestyles outside the grid of a media/consumer-created culture. Sadhu Govardhan is an independent thinker, eco-organic farmer, tropical rare fruit connoisseur and agricultural consultant. Extensive journeys for over twenty years have allowed him to study indigenous cultures and different life styles throughout the world.
Embraced by the magic lake, in the land of sLOVEenia, in the heart of the Triglav national park, where mountains are being born and nature tells secret stories, lives a house, awaiting for beautiful friends, for their hearts and their souls to be enhanced.
The Akumal Dive Shop is known for excellence as a training facility and the first scuba diving and water recreational facility on the Riviera Maya and mainland of the Mexican Caribbean. Our Long-standing reputation for professionalism, quality service, and well established diving tradition precedes us. Now over 40 years of experience we have expanded to offer not only water recreational activities, but all travel services such as accommodation packages, that include transportation, luxury accommodations, as well as “in water” and inland recreational activities and tours.
IREHOM Institut de Recerca Holística de Montserrat
IREHOM parteix de la necessitat d’estudiar els nous paradigmes als que hem de fer front en aquest S.XXI. Creiem que han de venir donats des d’una perspectiva holística, és a dir, oberta, integral, sinèrgica i creativa. Fonamentada en el camp de la Recerca, la Investigació i la Materialització de noves vies per poder resoldre els reptes a que els humans ens haurem d’encarar inevitablement (recursos naturals i energètics limitats, model econòmic, desigualtat social…) Aquestes comporten un creixement evolutiu de l’individu, tan per a desenvolupar-les, com per aplicar-les a la nostra vida. Per això partim d’una idea de renovació, cercant alternatives als models establerts actualment, apropant-nos a altres formes d’entendre la vida i a la relació dels humans entre nosaltres i amb el nostre hàbitat.